Bondage Performance w/ Midori for the History Channel - 06'

Making Tit Prints w/ Annie Sprinkle on Sex TV 2003

Interview and footage of Water Bondage scenes for Bulls Eye UK Cable Station 2004

Interview for Out and About for MTV - 2005

Interviewed for QTV - 2005

Interviewed for French Documentary by the controversial sex worker activist Virginie Despentes and Merie Helene - 2005.
Interviewed by the Discovery Channel for their television show
 "The Sex Files"  - Episode "Girls on Top"

Bondage Performance with Midori for History Channel January 2006"

Interview with KPFA Radio Station about the governments involvement in the adult industry"

Podcast Interview with Diana Cage March 2006


Interview w/ Msnbc  - 2006

Interview w/ Three Letter Word - 2006